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The Project

There are various reasons why someone might want to gain a legal foothold in another jurisdiction. Some want to enhance their expertise by being exposed to different legal systems and cultures. Some want to improve their international reputation and build an international network, while others want to be trained in a well-known international arbitration jurisdiction. For some arbitration lawyers, the desire to work abroad is based on purely personal reasons.

Whatever the motivation for moving to another jurisdiction is, establishing a career abroad can be a daunting task. Arbroad aims to provide arbitration lawyers with valuable insights into what it takes to establish careers outside their home jurisdictions and traverse their road to success.

Arbroad runs in cycles. For the first cycle, we are featuring Germany, which is the birthplace of this project.   



The interview series provides an in-depth look into the experiences of arbitration lawyers who have established careers abroad. Our interviewees shared their stories about how they started their arbitration careers and navigated the challenges of new jurisdictions.

We will feature a range of arbitration lawyers, from those who have just started their careers to those who have become leaders in the field. For our first cycle, the majority of the interviewees are working in Germany. 

→ Go to the Interview Series page




Our jurisdiction guides provide information about specific jurisdictions, including the legal landscape, culture, business practices, and average salaries of foreign lawyers. These guides aim to equip lawyers with the knowledge they need to establish themselves and thrive in a new environment.

Our first cycle will focus on Germany as a jurisdiction and provide the readers with a deep dive into the arbitration landscape of the country.

→ Go to The Guide page



Dasha       |      Diory      |      Vlad 

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